Kolrosing – Wood Tattoo with Daniel Berhe at Gört Ba Slöjd
When & where: See detailed program
Workshop language: Swedish/English
Price & Payment: 10 kr material costs – payed by Swish or Cash
Bring: Bring something in wood! An old butter knife perhaps? Something from the fleamarket? There will also be material provided at the workshop.
Questions: gortba.slojd@gmail.com
What to expect
Learn this ancient technique to decorate in wood. By knife we make patterns and fill in with different pigment to make it “pop”! This is an old technique with deep roots in the Sami culture. For the workshop we will focus on the experience more so than on the different techniques. All material will be provided and there will be a theme of name signs with decorative patterns. This workshop is for everyone, kids under 12 need to be accompanied by adult. Welcome!
Want to attend Kolrosing? Just drop in!
Slöjd in the Woods
Slöjd in the Woods is an independent project that exists within the framework of the Into the Woods festival. The project brings together professional artisans and craftsmen from various traditional fields to offer engaging workshops and short courses. It’s a unique chance for festival-goers to immerse themselves in the world of traditional crafts.
The goals of the project is to reach individuals who might not typically engage in creative activities and to create a platform for knowledge exchange among cultural practitioners.
Slöjd in the Woods aims to inspire and ignite creativity through hands-on sessions set in the enchanting surroundings of the forest, showcasing crafts in their natural element.
A special thanks to Region Halland, who’s support has made the project possible.